11 weeks pregnant: Pregnancy Symptoms & Baby Development

Find out what to expect from every week of your pregnancy.

11 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Month 3 (Trimester 1)

Baby development at 11 week

Many major organs are now in place

Morning sickness

Symptoms like morning sickness should start to ease.


Learn all about the importance of calcium in your diet.

Baby development at 12 weeks

What does my baby look like? And, what size is my baby?

At 11 weeks pregnant, your baby is about to begin a rapid phase of growth. They’re still only 4-5cm in length, making them the size of a lime. However, they’re growing and developing rapidly: all of the facial bones are now in place, fingers and toes are separating from their webbed beginnings and ear buds take on a more familiar shape.


Internally, your baby’s brain, lungs, liver and kidneys are formed by 11 weeks, but the various body systems will continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.

Although your baby has already been making jerky movements for some time, you’re unlikely to feel any kicks until around 17 to 18 weeks, or later if this is your first pregnancy.

Pregnancy at 11 weeks (first trimester)

Body changes

As your waist begins to thicken you may begin to notice the beginnings of your pregnancy bump. Don’t fret if there’s nothing to see yet, it probably won’t take long before you’re showing.


Early pregnancy symptoms at 12 weeks

Early pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person. At 12 weeks, you may experience any of the following signs of pregnancy, or no symptoms at all:


Breast tenderness

Your breasts may become larger and feel sore. You may also find your nipples stick out more than usual and darken in colour as your body begins to prepare for breastfeeding. 

Tiredness and fatigue

During the first 12 weeks, hormonal changes can leave you feeling tired or exhausted. 

Nausea and vomiting

Morning sickness affects up to 80% of mums-to-be in the first trimester6. It can strike at any time of the day or night and varies from mild nausea to sickness throughout the day.

Bloating and gas

The pregnancy hormone progesterone slows down your digestion which can lead to bloating and excess gas7.

Cramping or bleeding

Light cramping and spotting are common in the early stages of pregnancy8,9. If the pain becomes severe (stronger than period cramps) or if bleeding becomes heavy, you should talk to your GP.

Frequent urination

Frequent trips to the bathroom are one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy, as your growing uterus begins to put pressure on your bladder.

Mood swings

Pregnancy hormones, estrogen and progesterone, soar during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy10, affecting how you’re feeling emotionally. Get plenty of rest and light exercise to keep you feeling like yourself.

Focus on Omegas 3 and 6

The fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 support the healthy development of your baby’s brain, and can only be obtained from your diet. Making sure you include good sources of Omega 3 in your diet will help you give your baby the best start for a healthy future.

Making sure you include good sources of Omega 3 in your diet will help you give your baby the best start for a healthy future.

Try these Omega 3-rich snacks and small meals:

  • Mackerel on a slice of wholegrain toast
  • Grilled salmon with steamed leafy vegetables
  • Salmon fishcakes
  • A handful of nuts and seeds
  • A bowl of wholegrain cereal


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Omegas 3 and 6 are two types of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, collectively called LCPs. One of the Omega 3 LCPs, known as docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA for short, contributes to your baby’s brain development13. It also supports the normal development of your baby’s eyes and is associated with development post-birth, specifically normal visual development throughout the first year.

To support your baby’s brain development, try to include an extra 200mg of DHA each day. Oily fish are an excellent source and eating 1-2 portions of oily fish per week will provide sufficient DHA for you and your baby. However, it’s recommended that you eat no more than two portions per week due to the toxins they may contain. For a healthy intake of other Omega 3 fats on the days you don’t eat oily fish, snack on a handful of nuts or start your day with a bowl of wholegrain cereal.