26 weeks pregnant
Find out what to expect from every week of your pregnancy.
26 weeks pregnant is how many months?
26 weeks is 6 months of pregnancy – so only 3 months to go! Now is a good time to start giving some thought to your birth plan, and preparing the things that you will need for you and your baby after the birth.
Keep up your normal daily physical activity or exercise (sport, yoga, dancing, or even walking to the shops and back) for as long as you feel comfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby.
Vitamin D
Discover the role Vitamin D plays in your baby’s development.
Make sure you’re getting enough of this natural inner Armour.
Keeping healthy
Learn how to stay active safely throughout your pregnancy.
You are almost at the end of your second trimester already by 26 weeks pregnant! Your pregnancy bump is growing at around a 1cm per week and is about 2.5 to 3 inches above your tummy button. This means you may well get more bloating as your stomach and bowels get more compressed – so its better to have smaller amounts to eat a few times in the day rather than 3 big meals. You might even have a tummy button that has turned outwards (everted) now, and you might notice more round ligament pains. Whilst it’s important to remain active and take regular exercise, do listen to what your joints and body are telling you, and don’t overdo it.
26 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Also, you may well be starting to get more tired now, and perhaps feeling the heat more, especially at night. It’s important to adjust your environment at work and home to reflect your changing needs for temperature regulation and help with a comfortable posture to sit in if you have a desk-based job. Remember to fall asleep on your left side when you go to bed as this helps to maintain your circulation to your placenta and baby1. But don’t worry if you wake up on your back or right side – it’s just important to sleep on your left as much as possible. A V shaped pillow (which will double up as a feeding pillow) can be very helpful in maintaining your position in bed, as well as supporting your back and hip joints.
You might notice more ankle swelling and headaches – if these increase suddenly or become severe you should get checked out urgently. It’s important to make sure that you keep all your antenatal check-up appointments so that you can be screened for pre-eclampsia and diabetes. You’ll need to book in for your 28-week blood tests and a diabetes test (Glucose Tolerance Test) if this is indicated in your case.
Your bump at 26 weeks pregnant
Every pregnant tummy is different, even in the same woman in subsequent pregnancies. Your age, previous pregnancies and births, height, build and fitness all affect the way your pregnant tummy looks and feels. As long as all is well, enjoy the unique changes to your body each time you have a baby.
Your baby’s position at 26 weeks pregnant
At 26 weeks your baby still has plenty of room to keep changing position – and they do from hour to hour. This means that it is too early to worry about whether the baby’s head is down as your baby is unlikely to stay in any one position for too long at this stage. As the baby moves, you will notice that the site of the kicks changes too. Around about now your baby starts to develop its nervous system more and you might start noticing a circadian rhythm of movements more – so it’s not unusual for the baby to be more active at night.
Baby size at 26 weeks pregnant
Measuring your baby from head (crown) to heel, she’s about 35.6cm (14in) long, and now weighs as much as a red cabbage, which is about 760g (1.7lb). At this stage, the kicks will be more noticeable and follow more of a pattern. By now your baby can recognize and respond to your voice, and the eyelashes and retina are also developing much more by now. Your baby’s lungs are starting to mature too, although not enough to breathe unaided just yet.
Average baby weight at 26 weeks pregnant – see above
Ultrasounds & scans at 26 weeks pregnant
There is no routine ultrasound scan at 26 weeks, but soon you will be able to book a 3D or 4D scan if you want a better idea of how your baby might look when he or she is born!